
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Music story starter.

This is a story I made after I watched a video. I choose the video Language because it looked interesting. You can try and search it up on You Tube to watch. I hope you enjoy my story.

This girl was lost but she was running quickly to get  away from some fast, speeding, mean, wolves. 

To get away from the wolves she jumped in the water.The water was very
clean and cold. She was swimming and she found a light coming out from
something. There were some statue stones lighting up too.
The girl swam into one of them.

Suddenly she fell down out of the sky. A big hand that was humongous
and white caught her. It looked like a clear snowman.
The big white clear snowman opened his hand.
The girl looked at the clear snowman.

  The white clear snowman changed with mountains on him.
He changed again to some sunset. The snowman changed to clouds after.
The clear snowman put the girl on the ground. They played together. 

The wolves came and were running and jumped on the clear snowman.
The clear snowman fell off the cliff. 

The girl looked sad and chased the wolves.
The wolves ran away from the girl. 



  1. Hi Angel. I enjoyed reading your story. I thought that video looked really interesting too.

  2. Thank you Mr Martyn for the comment I like to read comments.-Angel

  3. Wow Angel, nice story. It was very descriptive. What do you think your story means? At the start, your girl is running scared. In the end, she is chasing the wolves. I believe the snowman helps her become brave, what do you think?

    1. Thank you Uncle Ash. I think that my story means that it is about helping, and being brave. Yes I think that the snowman helps her be brave to. Do you like commenting on my blog?

  4. Talofa lava, Angel. I really love your music story starter! And I also like that picture of that girl and that invisable snowman! It looks intersting. I just have a question is the story sad beacause I have not watched it? And I have another question how long did you worte this all?

    1. Thank you krystallnna,It is a little bit sad. I write a lot normaly.
