
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Room 9s Assembly/Play

 Good Afternoon,

Last Friday room 9  had our Assembly what we did for our Assembly  is a play. What are play was about was working together. What we did was made masks for us, put some costumes on. What we were thinking of doing was being farm animals being stuff like animal control, farmers, and then us as animals. 

For our Assembly we also shared our art and what we did was made a slideshow put a video in for our art stuff in. We made name art, Sandra Silberzweig art,  what we had to do for our name art is we had a video to watch which was made by Mrs T doing her name art. What we needed was 2 coloured pencils, a glue stick, and  piece of paper. What we did was colour in our name with one of the colours and then use the other colour for our background. Then we cut our name art then glue it to our piece of  paper. 

Before we did our art we first of all started off with a welcoming to our Assembly. Then we said could you please stand up for the national anthem and Aniei Matou. And then we did our art. After our art we did our play. Next was the certificates. That was when I got to say: Can the wonderful Mr Roberts please come up and present the certificates. Me, Jherean and Leo had to go up I forgot to stay up there and hand them up so Love did. Then we did  Choir  which is singing. We did kete cards after that then notices, THE MYSTERY SPY, and we also said a nice goodbye and thanks for coming to our Assembly. 

I think that we did an amazing job in our Assembly and things turned out very good. I really enjoyed our play. I think that in our play we did really well by working together and I loved how we all were remembering our parts and maybe next time for our Assembly we will do a part two. 

Here is a video of our play hope you enjoy our video of our play 

 and have an amazing day 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Maths Marble Probability

Kia ora readers,

Today I am going to be showing you my Maths Marble Probability graph. First what I did was play the Marble probability game, made a graph on google drawing, then I put down what I thought was Certain, Likley, unlikley, even chance, possible, or Impossible. Then I filled in my graph with the colours that the marbles were. Click Here to play the marble probability game. 

If you cant see my probability words or prodiction of what I wrote here is what I wrote.

I  think that it is very likley that blue will come out on my marble game, because there are 3 blue marbles, 2 red marbles, and one yellow marble I have to pull the leaver 12 times and see if my prodictaion is right so that is why I am getting my data to see if my prodiction is correct. And also I think that it is unlikley that yellow will come out, and I think it is possible that red will come out.

My prodoction was correct because I said that it would be very likley that blue will come out.

Here is my marble probability graph 

Badge of Honour (Reading)

 Hello readers, 

Today I am going to be showing you my reading , in room 9 we have reading groups  Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindoor, and Ravenclaw. The group that I am in is Ravenclaw. What we had to do is make a copy of Mrs T's document Authors Purpose. Then we had to copy and paste our title of what we had to do. Then we read our books our three books, mostly Badge of Honour and we had to think about: Important decisions the characters made, who the book is written for, and what someone might learn or understand from reading.

Here is my writing that I did.

The book that I have been reading is Badge of Honour’. The main characters are Tomasi and Issac who have been chosen as school captains.

Miss Latu doesn’t know that Tomasi gets into fights but Isaac knows that

Tomasi gets into fights after school and Isaac doesn't think that Tomasi

should be a school captain. Tomasi needs to make a decision whether

or not he should tell Miss Lautu.

The problem is that Tomasi and Isaac are friends. 

Isaac doesn't tell Miss Latu. 

 The book is mostly written for children that read school journals or school books.

I think that someone might learn something by reading the book.

What they would learn is not to fight as this is unbecoming of a role model

school captain, and being kind and responsible, and not hurting each other are the aspects expected.


Monday, March 29, 2021

Word of the week!

 Hello Readers,

Heres my word of the week for today

Friday, March 26, 2021

Maths spinner/ Maths graph

 Hello Readers!

Today I am going to be showing you my maths spinner and my maths spinner graph. What we had to do is get a maths spinner piece of paper then make a pattern, next we had to colour in our maths spinner. Then we made our prediction if it was likely, unlikely, impossible or certain. When we finished filling that in we sticked that into our maths books. Then we cut out our maths spinner. Then we made our arrows for our maths spinner. Afterwards we had our maths spinners laminated. Then we cut out our laminting maths spinner and then we we were spinning our maths spinner on the ground with a pin and then we made our graph and put our colours in to see if our prediction was correct to see data.

Thank you for reading my blog post have an amazing Friday comment down below if you have any question or complements bye -Angel 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

My Visual Mihi

 Hello Readers, 

Today I am going to be showing you my visual mihi. What we had to do for our visual mihi is make a painting about our self and our house, our land, and our river or sea. Afterwards when we finished our painting we outlined our painting then we put it on our slideshow that we have made. For our slideshow we had to make a copy of the slideshow outline of Mrs T's made for us. On our class site, then we could put our information about us. After when we were finished our information we could decorate our slideshow. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Word of the Week!

Hello readers, 

Today I am going to be showing you my word of the week!

Almost Swallowed by a whale writing

Hello Readers, 

Today I am going to be showing you my  my video of  almost swallowed by a whale writing. What we had to do is watch this video of a news reporter and a diver  that almost got swallowed by a whale. After we were writing a recount of thinking that we were almost swallowed by a whale. Me and Marleigh did an interview and I was the diver and Marleigh was the interviewer. We did a screencastify to make our interview. Here is the video of us me and Marleigh hope you enjoy our interview.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Word Week!!!

Hello Readers, 

Here is my word of the week today if you would like to search up word of the weeks or any other words click these links

If you cant click the link copy and paste in google tab

The link might come up with this all you have to do is click the first link 

Here is my word of the week 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Robbery Animation

 Hello Readers,

Today I am going to be showing you my piece of writing called Robbery animation. What I had to do is watch a video and write about a recount for this type of story. I hope you enjoy my writing and comment on my blog for some more advice for me and some questions. And also what was your favourite part of my writing? You can write down your answer to my question on the comments down below. 


One  dull night I was going to the dairy to get some milk for my breakfast.

 Suddenly there was a fast light red car parking  near the dairy. 

There were two men that were in the car. One of the men had a blue greeney hoodie.

The other men had some camouflage on. They both had thick, pinky purple lips.

One of the men was short, the other man was tall. I see that both of them have sneakers on. 

The two men  both got out of the car and  left the doors open.

The two men went to the doors and one of the men bumped their heads on the door to the dairy

then fell down on the hard concrete floor. 

Then the men carried on to walk into the dairy.

 I saw one of the men starting to pull out a gun from their pockets to start shooting the 


The short man put a big, long black bag on the counter then he started to do karate moves.

Then he started to jump up to one of the isles in the dairy then fell down again. 


I got terrified when I saw the short man fall then the tall man was about to shoot the



I was thinking hmmm…. “What can I do to save the shopkeeper”, I thought. “ I know.”

 I rushed into the dairy and slammed the door to distract the men.

 I was thinking that they were robbers trying to get all the money. 

I knocked down all the isles the robbers looked at me and tried to catch me then suddenly the

POLICE CAME!!!!! The robbers got caught and the money did not get taken. I saved the day. 


Thank you for reading my writing.

Cybersmart google meet

 Hello Bloggers,

Today I am going to be showing you my cyber smart about what I have been learning on a google slideshow about google meets.  

I hope you enjoy my slideshow and also did you understand every thing I have said? 

Thank you have a great day don't forget to comment down below.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Maths observation #1

 Hello readers,

Today I am going to be showing you my maths observation #1 what I had to do is figure out the 8th patterns and do equations and what I noticed about the maths observation #1

here is my 8th  pattern 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Word of the week!

 Hello Readers,

Here is my new word of the week!

Thanks for reading bye