
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Maths Marble Probability

Kia ora readers,

Today I am going to be showing you my Maths Marble Probability graph. First what I did was play the Marble probability game, made a graph on google drawing, then I put down what I thought was Certain, Likley, unlikley, even chance, possible, or Impossible. Then I filled in my graph with the colours that the marbles were. Click Here to play the marble probability game. 

If you cant see my probability words or prodiction of what I wrote here is what I wrote.

I  think that it is very likley that blue will come out on my marble game, because there are 3 blue marbles, 2 red marbles, and one yellow marble I have to pull the leaver 12 times and see if my prodictaion is right so that is why I am getting my data to see if my prodiction is correct. And also I think that it is unlikley that yellow will come out, and I think it is possible that red will come out.

My prodoction was correct because I said that it would be very likley that blue will come out.

Here is my marble probability graph 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angel, I have read your maths marble probability work and predictions. Can you predict next weeks lotto numbers draw for me, and I would not have to get up early anymore. Keep up this interesting work.
    Love from Grandad.
