Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my maths that I have just completed. I hope you enjoy, this blog post is about temperature and it is maths. Please comment down below! Here's my work!
I am a Year 6 ākonga/student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. My kaiko/teacher is Whaea Miki. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful, and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021
Cheese Scones
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my cheese scones that I have made with my grandma. Hope you enjoy, please leave a comment down below if you have time. Some of the photos are photos of when they are not cooked yet. Here is what me and my grandma have made.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Money Maths
Hello Readers, I have just completed all the money maths problems. What I had to do is figure out the problems which meant I needed to do some adding, subtracting, and multiplication. Here is my work! Please comment down below have a nice day stay safe and warm!
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Division Wheels
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my division wheels. On my blog I am pretty sure I have posted a multiplication wheels. I hope you are keeping warm and are safe. Please comment! Here is my work
Friday, August 27, 2021
One Step Multiplication
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my maths activity. Hopefully you and your family is staying safe, keep warm! Please comment down below Here's my work!
Multiplication Wheels
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my multiplication wheels maths activity. Thanks -And please comment down below. Have a nice day and here's my work!
Emoji Code Breaking 2/ Maths
Hello Readers,
How are you all doing? Today I am going to be showing you my emoji code breaking 2. As you can see I have posted a emoji code breaking 1. Thanks please comment down below!
Keep warm and stay safe!
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Emoji Code Breaking 1 /Maths
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my completed emoji code breaking maths exercise. I had to look at the table of emojis which each had a corresponding number underneath. Then each equation would be worked out by looking at the emoji and then you would find this specific number you needed from the above table. Thanks readers please comment below (:
Monday, August 23, 2021
Animal Connections Activity
Hello Readers,
Today I am going to be showing you the work I have done completing the connections using animal names, I had to find the next animal by using the last letter of the previous animal name. That last letter would be the first letter of the next animal eg. Turtle-elephant. The letters to the animals were not always in a straight line which made it more difficult. -Thank you please leave a comment down below I will try my hardest to reply(: Have a nice day, Here is my work, also I did not know what a newt was so I searched it.
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Writing Directions Activity
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my writing directions activity, what I had to do is give directions from charlies home to get to his school and write it down on the lines below on the activity. Here's my work (: Please comment down below!
Pirate Maths Activity 2
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my Pirate Maths Activity 2, on my blog I have posted a pirate maths activity, and that is the 1st pirate maths activity. Thanks please comment down below (: Here is my work!
Pirate Map Coordinates Activity
Hello Readers, Today I'm going to be showing you my pirate map coordinates activity. Thank you please don't forget to comment enjoy my work!
Friday, August 20, 2021
Compass Direction Activity 2
Hello Readers,
Today I am going to be showing you my compass direction activity 2. What I had to do is do compass directions. Here is my work. Please leave a comment down below! Keep warm and safe!
Part Of The Party 2
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you part of the party 2. On my blog I have posted Part of the party but today I am going to be posting part of the party 2. Hopefully you like it, Here's my work! Don't Forget To Comment!
Compass Directions
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my compass directions. What I had to do is answer some questions here is my work! Please leave a comment down below.
Multiplication Activity 1
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you my Multiplication Activity 1. What I had to do was do the multiplication calculation and colour the shape in the correct colour. Here is my work! Hopefully you enjoy it!
Multiplication Activity 2
Hello Bloggers, How are you? As you know it is lock down and we are on level 4, talking about lock down I am going to be showing you an activity that I have done today in lock down. The Activity is called Multiplication Activity 2. What I had to do is I had to do the multiplication and colour the shape in the correct colour. Here is my work
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Hello bloggers, I'm going to be talking to you about what I have been learning about in reading. W.A.L.T. identify language features of narratives, including examples of personification. Here is some links about personification,
Thanks, please don't forget to comment. Have a nice day (:
Monday, August 16, 2021
Part Of The Party - Coordinates
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you part of the party maths work. What I had to do is colour the boxes of what the coordinates is, It makes a picture at the end when you are done - Thanks Here is my work!
Hello Readers,
How are you? Hopefully your fine. Today I am going to be showing you my coordinates for maths time. What I had to do is write the coordinates of the letters. Here is my work and hopefully your enjoying your day! Please don't forget to comment!
Friday, August 13, 2021
Colouring Grid References
Hello, Talofa, Kiaorana, Kumasta bloggers, Today I am going to be showing you my colouring grid references. We had to do coordinates and go over the bridge then up the mountain. What I mean by that is there is sometimes letters across on the page and numbers up the page, so we say you have to go over the bridge and then up the mountain on a grid.
Here's my work! Please don't forget to comment.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
How To Make A Friend - Rainbow Fish
Hello Readers, Today I am going to be showing you how to make a friend. I had to this activity from The Rainbow Fish story. Hope you enjoy and I hope you don't forget to comment.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Animal Grid Activity
Kia Ora Bloggers, Today I am going to be showing you my animal grid activity that I have done. Here it is thanks don't forget to comment! (:
The Rainbow Fish
Hello Bloggers,
Today I am going to be showing you my rainbow fish slideshow. What I had to do is watch the rainbow fish story and then answer some questions that was on the rainbow fish site Here is a link to the site. Here's my slideshow enjoy and please don't forget to comment!
Friday, August 6, 2021
My Compass That I Have Made On Paper
Hello Readers, hopefully your day has been going well, I am just going to blog about my compass I made out of paper. What I had to do is get this sheet that has instructions of what I had to do, next I read the instructions and did the first piece of instruction which was to cut out some shapes that were on there, then I made an arrow and cut that out, I had to colour the shapes and cut out North, East, South, and West, then I pinned my arrow to my compass and glued my north, east, south and west. Thanks for reading please don't forget to comment.
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Simone Biles
Hello Readers, I hope you all have had a wonderful day, today I am going to be talking to you about Simone Biles. Simone Biles does gymnastics. You can search her up on Youtube or click on This link. Here are some facts about Simone Biles. In total Simone Biles has won 25 medals at the Worlds Championships with 19 of them being gold. She's the first American to win a medal in every event at this competition. At her first Summer Olympic Games in 2016 in Rio, Simone Biles earned five medals, four gold and one bronze.
Thanks for reading , Here are some pictures of Simone Biles:
My Compass!
Hello Readers,
Today I am going to be showing you my compass that I have done today. If you are wondering what a compass is, it is a thing where you can tell North, East, South, and West or North East, South East, South West, and North West. Thank you for reading I hope you like my work! Please leave a comment!
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
What I Have Learnt About Cook Island
Hello readers, I am going to be showing you what I have learnt about Cook Island. I watched this video were 2 kids try Cook island food and had to guess what the food is. I have learnt that in Cook Island the name for doughnut is Tonati in Cook island. I have also learnt some Cook Island Basic Greetings, Hello in Cook Island is Kia Orana, Welcome in Cook Island is Turou Aere mai or just Aere mai, Goodbye in Cook Island to the person that is leaving is Arere ra, E noo ake ra is to the person staying, Kia manuia means Good Luck, Please in Cook Island is Ine, Thank in Cook Island is Meitaki. I have also learnt 5 facts about Cook Island the five facts are 1. In cook island there is the most beautiful beaches, 2. There are more Cook Islanders here in New Zealand and Australasia than the Cook Islands over 61,000 Here in NZ and 17,000 back home, 3. In Cook Island they do not have any traffic lights, 4. In Cook Island there are no snakes, or poisonous spiders, and last of all number 5. In Cook island they do not have Mac Donald's or KFC because they support the local. I also learnt in Cook Island how to count to ten, ta'i is one, rua is 2, toru is 3, 'a is 4, rima is 5, ono is 6, 'itu is 7, Varu is 8, iva is 9, ta'i nga ' uru is 10. In Cook Island Ei Mua means You can do it/seize the day! Pakau means Awesome! Mako rai means Well done! Kare koe i te kanga means You are great! Tamata'ia means Give it a go! Naku e tauturu means I will help! Tei mua Koe means you're the best! Ka rauka 'ia tatua means we can do it! Ka rauka 'iaku means I can do it! Tuatua mai means Speak to me! And last of all Mako means great! In Cook island 'Ae= Yes/ok, Kare means No, Meitaki = Good, Meitaki Thank you/Ma'ata = Very good, Kia Orana koe = Greetings to you, Ko'ai to'ou ingoa = What is your name?, Ei Mua = You can do it, Ina ake ana 'Ine?, =Excuse me, Tei mua koe=Youre the best, kia mataora to'ou ra'anau'anga=Happy Birthday. Here are some ways how to greet someone in Cook Island, Kia orna-Hello, Pe'eka koe-How are you? , Someone may say back to you Akape'ea koe-How about you?, And they may reply Meitaki au - I am fine.
Thank you for reading my blog, Have a nice night and day tomorrow hopefully you have learnt some new words.
Cook Island Language Week
Kia Orana Bloggers,
Today I am going to be talking about Cook Island Language Week! Cook Island is a nation in the South Pacific. Cook island has 15 islands. Its 15 islands are scattered over a vast area. Cook Island has food like Curried Eke (Octopus), Mata, Banana poke, Rukau, Rori, And Cook island has fresh fruit like tropical fruit. On the Cook Island flag there is 15 stars. There is a dance for a boy and girl that is a Cook Island Dance, In room 9 we have been practising the Cook Island Dance. Thanks for reading and please do not forget to comment!