
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

What I Have Learnt About Cook Island

 Hello readers, I am going to be showing you what I have learnt about Cook Island. I watched this video were 2 kids try Cook island food and had to guess what the food is. I have learnt that in Cook Island the name for doughnut is Tonati in Cook island. I have also learnt some Cook Island Basic Greetings, Hello in Cook Island is Kia Orana, Welcome in Cook Island is Turou Aere mai or just Aere mai, Goodbye in Cook Island to the person that is leaving is Arere ra, E noo ake ra is to the person staying,  Kia manuia means Good Luck, Please in Cook Island is Ine, Thank in Cook Island is Meitaki. I have also learnt 5 facts about Cook Island the five facts are 1. In cook island there is the most beautiful beaches, 2. There are more Cook Islanders here in New Zealand and Australasia than the Cook Islands over 61,000 Here in NZ and 17,000 back home, 3. In Cook Island they do not have any traffic lights, 4. In Cook Island there are no snakes, or poisonous spiders, and last of all number 5. In Cook island they do not have Mac Donald's or KFC because they support the local. I also learnt in Cook Island how to count to ten, ta'i is one, rua is 2, toru is 3, 'a is 4, rima is 5, ono is 6, 'itu is 7, Varu is 8, iva is 9, ta'i nga ' uru is 10. In Cook Island Ei Mua means You can do it/seize the day! Pakau means Awesome! Mako rai means Well done! Kare koe i te kanga means You are great! Tamata'ia means Give it a go! Naku e tauturu means I will help! Tei mua Koe means you're the best! Ka rauka 'ia tatua means we can do it! Ka rauka 'iaku means I can do it! Tuatua mai means Speak to me! And last of all Mako means great! In Cook island 'Ae= Yes/ok, Kare means No, Meitaki = Good, Meitaki Thank you/Ma'ata = Very good, Kia Orana koe = Greetings to you, Ko'ai to'ou ingoa = What is your name?, Ei Mua = You can do it, Ina ake ana 'Ine?, =Excuse me, Tei mua koe=Youre the best, kia mataora to'ou ra'anau'anga=Happy Birthday. Here are some ways how to greet someone in Cook Island, Kia orna-Hello, Pe'eka koe-How are you? , Someone may say back to you Akape'ea koe-How about you?, And they may reply Meitaki au - I am fine. 

Thank you for reading my blog, Have a nice night and day tomorrow hopefully you have learnt some new words.   


  1. Tena koe,

    Pe'ea koe?

    WOW! I am blown away by the effort you have put into this piece of writing.
    It is great to see all the incredible things you have learnt during Cook Island Language Week, and how awesome that you can share and teach others on your blog.

    Do you think you could survive without delicious take aways if you lived on Rarotonga?

    Keep up all your hard work Angel!

    Mako rai! Tei mua koe!

    Mrs Vakapuna

    1. Kia Orana Mrs Vakapuna, Meitaki au, Akape'ea koe? Thanks for commenting! And I do think I could survive without delicious take aways if I lived on Rarotonga. Thanks -From Ange;

  2. Hi Angel, You have certainly put the Cook Islands on the map with this massive blog. You have researched some interesting facts and covered a wide amount of useful language interpretation. Excellent work.
    Love from Grandma and Grandad.

    1. Hi Grandad and Grandma, I hope your feeling well. Thank you for the comment (: Have a wonderful day and night love from Angel.

  3. Angel,you ALWAYS put so much effort into your learning and this is no different.You've included heaps of information and facts.In my opinion you go above and beyond what is asked of you.Well done for showing your readers all this amazing work that you have done.
    Thank you also for teaching me some new words.Hopefully I can remember them and use them.

    1. Hello Mrs Cassidy, You are very good a commenting thanks you so much. Have an amazing night and day - From Angel

  4. Kia orana Angel,
    Pakau! I appreciate your efforts in learning about the Cook Islands. What a fun, factual blog post. I did learn some new words, thank you! Kare koe i te kanga! Keep up the incredible work Angel.

    1. Hello Whaea Miki, Have a nice night and thanks for the comments -From Angel
