
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

I Love The Beach!

Xin Ciao readers, I am going to be showing you a blog post about my persuasive writing jamboard. What I had to do was look at my hamburger planner and add it to my persuasive writing jamboard. We had to add 3 reasons, our opinion, examples, and a conclusion. I have added a background and we also added different colours for our sticky note. I hope that you enjoy my jamboard! Please leave a comment down below!


  1. Hi Angel.
    I like that you care and love going to the beach I also love going to the beach I love your jam board it's cool great helpful kind.I well all commenting on your i well try to comment on your blog most of my time. Have a great day.

    1. Hello Ryan,
      Thanks for commenting on my blog! That is nice that you like going to the beach as well! I will try and have a look at your jamboard. I may be able to comment on your blog too! I am looking forward to see your blog! Have an amazing day. From Angel (:
