
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Fun facts about me

Hello welcome back to my blog. I have been learning about all about me. Here is my fun facts writing. I have done this writing a few weeks ago or maybe in February.  We could write about anything but we had to do it about fun facts. I liked to write about fun facts. I am Optimistic about this writing. I hope you enjoy and like my writing I have done. The writing is down below.

My fun facts about me are that every Saturday I go to my dads. Every Friday I go to my mums.
I live with my grandma and grandma.
I walk to school everyday except Saturday and Sunday because it is the weekend.
I like to read books like goosebumps books, Harry potter books.
My favourite subject is writing.I like to write stories.
I like swimming, I like book creator, I like finding out new things. 


  1. Good morning Angel.
    Thank you for sharing some fats about yourself.I have learnt something new about you.I didn't realise that you went to your dad's place on Saturdays.Does he live in Christchurch too?.
    Here are some facts about me.When I was little,I used to go to Alexandra every school holiday to see my Dadda.I like to roller blade and my favourite animal is a horse.
    What is your favourite animal and why?.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hello Mrs Cassidy, Do you mean facts instead of fats? My dad does live in Christchurch. My favourite Animal is a elephant because it is big it has a nice trunk. And i love houses too. What is yours? -Angel.

    2. THANK YOU for pointing that I spelt a word wrong.I even proof read my work before I hit send.Yes,I did mean 'fact' not 'fat'.
      It just goes to show that even adults make mistakes.
      My favourite animal is a horse.Some people may think it's a cow but no,it's a horse.
      I LOVE riding them and just think they are a magnificent creature.I would LOVE to go riding on the beach or go mustering on horse back.
      Have a super week.
